Road Safety User Group Meetings: A Resounding Success

December 2018

New York Stadium

Around 30 public authorities attended Clarity’s recent FastForm User Group meetings, which were held in New York stadium in Rotherham.  Separate User Groups were held for our road safety course management and online booking solution and for our road safety offence records management solution.  These lively events provided a forum for exchanging information and ideas on best practice in the use of back office IT solutions to promote road safety. 

By enhancing information sharing capabilities and increasing productivity, back office IT systems play a critical role in supporting the efforts of local authorities and police forces to improve road safety through both education and enforcement.  Clarity recognises these drivers and we are constantly refining our product capabilities in order to better support our customers’ needs.  These User Groups provided an ideal forum to showcase some of our most recent product developments, along with our Product Roadmaps; highlighting new features that support an enhanced approach to process management, focused specifically on road safety back office functions.

The User Groups were overwhelmingly successful, with customers being given a forum to highlight their future business needs and influence Clarity’s product development priorities.  Clarity also derived substantial benefits from these meetings; gaining greater insight into our customers’ future requirements, which helps us to ensure our back office road safety solutions remain focused on evolving user needs.

Many thanks to all who attended.


FastForm On-line Booking User Group

FastForm On-line Booking User Group

User Group

FastForm Ticketing User Group

Clarity Staff

Clarity Staff