Driving with confidence Course Management and Online Booking

June 2019

The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) recently launched a new Driving with Confidence scheme, using Clarity’s course management and online booking solution to manage course delivery and allow participants to book places online.

SERP is helping older motorists to drive safely for longer and the Driving with Confidence scheme provides individual driving courses for people aged 70 and over.  The scheme is also designed to support other motorists who may have lost confidence in their driving skills (e.g. following an accident, following an extended period of non-driving or after struggling with night driving or motorway driving).

This new scheme was launched in May, 2019 and 60 clients registered for courses in the first few weeks of operation.  SERP is delighted with this initial positive uptake.

Safer Essex Roads Partnership is committed to reducing death and serious injury on Essex roads and they deliver a wide variety of road safety skills and awareness courses, encompassing the national NDORS scheme, Bikeability courses for schools and, of course, this new Driving with Confidence course.  Clarity is delighted to have been able to support this wide range of SERP initiatives by providing our full suite of road safety course management and online booking solutions, which we have configured to support of all these course types.

Further information about the scheme can be found on the following website:  https://saferessexroads.org/road-users/mature-drivers/